Segundo té del desayuno

Un capricho tostado y caprichoso: inspirado en el clásico panecillo de limón y semillas de amapola, este té realmente satisface ese antojo reconfortante cuando solo quieres disfrutar un poco más.

15 sobres individuales en bolsitas de té 100% biodegradables.

  • Ingredientes : Avena tostada, cáscara de limón, achicoria, semillas de amapola tostadas, semillas de amapola crudas, limón tostado, aceite de limón, concentrado de extracto de vainilla orgánica, sal marina del Himalaya.
  • Cafeína : 0 mg/8 oz. de porción, en comparación con 150 mg/8 oz. de café
  • Instrucciones básicas : dejar reposar en agua caliente durante 4 o 5 minutos. El té de hierbas es mejor en agua completamente hirviendo, o a unos 208-112 grados F.
  • Ideas para servir : Prueba a preparar un delicioso café con leche con la leche que prefieras. Después, puedes usar la bolsita de té como exfoliante suave: frota suavemente la bolsita sobre tu piel para absorber la avena calmante y el limón astringente.
Precio regular
Precio de venta
Precio regular
Envío calculado al finalizar la compra.

Customer Reviews

Based on 23 reviews

Very tasty

Best tea to treat yourself

I think I heard about this tea from a tweet, where someone was asking what the best tea was, and I’m a sucker for a hobbit nod, plus the ingredients sounded delicious, and not a combination I’d seen.

I tried it, and magic. I’m not even much of a tea person, but the toasty oats, and lemon make it taste like a cozy lemon poppyseed muffin. I buy it as a gift a lot, because it comes from a small business and isn’t everywhere, and is no problem for special diets or allergies.

It’s an actual rare find— which are hard to come by in the age of Amazon.

I love this tea! I’ve also tried their sampler and there are so many tasty, whimsical treats to be had!

lucy venable

A mellow sweet treat made for chilling out.

Carolyn Woomer
Second breakfast… Wow!

I bought second breakfast at an event during the winter. Immediately, I regretted I had not bought more. It is the most fabulous tea I have ever tasted in my life and I am a tea drinker!! It’s different, so satisfying.

Sally Pellnat
Best tea ever

This tea tastes like a second breakfast lemon poppy muffin. This is my new go to when I want tea but no caffeine. Absolutely love this.

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